Dr Kyriaki Sonidou, MD, MSC, LLB
GPSI in Cardiology
MSc in General Practice and Family Medicine
Goodwill Ambassador and Head of Health Diplomacy in the UK of the HICD

Senior Secretary
Dr. Maria-Angeliki Gkini, MD, MSc, PhD
Consultant Dermatologist,
Barts Health NHS Trust

Past Secretary
Dr Konstantia Diana Stavrou MBBS BSc FRCR
Consultant Radiologist
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Dr Georgios Sotiropoulos
Consultant Thoracic Surgeon
Barts Health NHS Trust

Committee Members
Dr Foteini Kalofonou, MD, PhD Imperial College London
Medical Oncology SpR-Clinical Research Fellow
The Royal Marsden Hospital

Mr Constantine Halkias MD, MSc, MRCS
Specialist Registrar in General Surgery
KSS Deanery

Dr Christina Kortsalioudaki
Consultant Neonatologist
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, UCLH

Dr Dimitrios Karponis, BSc
Final year medical student, Imperial College London